this is so inspiring, I've long thought I would be good at hosting an artist residency but I always thought of it as a far-off "when I'm older" dream and this made me think I might start making moves towards it now. <3

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aww emily, yes! I love that so much. I kind of feel like, maybe the fully-fledged "real" version might happen when I'm older, but what about just starting now with what we have? I'd love to hear more about your ideas and dreams for your residency!

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Off topic but is that a Kit Rutter work above the striped towel?

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yes!! we love kit!

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May 27Liked by ani lee

Hi from Hobart Ani Lee! Still reading along and delighting in your visions, from afar ☺️🫶… I’ve been doing something similar every year, usually in January, sometimes only a day, up to four if I can. I like to meditate more in the lead up and conjure up some clarity for the year ahead. Anything I make is not to be photographed or documented, that’s my only rule! Love reading about this and definitely inspired to steal more days next year. Big love !

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helena!! omg hi! i miss you 💜💌

I *love* your version of this, the not documenting or photographing rule is brilliant, what a way to give yourself a safe/open/playful space to explore. sending so much love to you, miss our cups of tea and run ins at the shops in south hobart 🥹

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Hi, what an inspiration! Thanks for sharing. I want to do this with my writing.

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thank you so much, barbara! please report back if you do! i think this format would be so well-suited to writing!

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I love this idea of cultivating a personal practice in your home and creating space in the form of a residency! I love how you spent your time! Thank you for sharing this. So much to simmer on and integrate. Absolute beauty in carving out time for art.

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serah, thank you!! your reflections are always so generous and i appreciate you so much! hope your spring has been treating you well 💜

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Gah! Sounds amazing! I have four kids so this seems impossible whether away or home. But one day.....

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aw laura, yes! i am extremely time privileged right now, i can imagine this idea of this with any kind of caretaking obligations would feel… untenable. solidarity- i hope someday that spaciousness is available to you, and i hope it is sooner than later!

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May 26Liked by ani lee

I cannot tell you how much I loved this!!! I am so excited for your residency and I love the idea of creating a home residency too. I’m so in need of this right now too. I always really enjoy your newsletters so much and hearing about your creative practices and projects

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i can’t wait to host you, meg!! i really hope you’re able to carve out some spaciousness for yourself soon too.

thank you so so so much for your kind words, they always mean so much to me!!

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I love this idea and am setting an intention to plan my own 'guest residency' in my own home. I resonate with much of what you said related to busy work life and how weekends are just not sufficient for all the things I want to cultivate in my life. Plus, I find creativity and, more relevant for me, play, needs breathing room. I find it very hard to play in sew-in-15-minute-increments, I need the expanse of a full day, or more, to shed my 'doing' nature and find my play.

Reading your plan was brilliant as I will take away so many good suggestions. Firstly, having a plan!

I'm glad to hear your plan turned out so well for you.

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