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BIG THYME CRONE!! <3 <3 <3 i shall let it envelop me

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by ani lee

Ani, this felt so relatable as someone who has just moved to Norway (!)

From the things gleaned visiting my partner's family here through the years in winter (and from the early days of this winter), I echo all of the above - a lot of tea and herbal medicine, candles and warm blankets indoors to really soften into the season. Flexible working is a blessing, as getting outside in the day time is hugely beneficial. I second the sauna if possible! I've taken it one step further with winter swims, but I appreciate that's an acquired taste, and also requires an acclimatisation period which has probably passed, at least for this year. Maybe something for next winter?

Clothes wise, many thin layers will do wonders. Siskin have absolutely exquisite wool and silk undergarnments - I swear by their turtlenecks and leggings, which I layer under my usual clothes. They're not cheap, but I wear them almost daily and they're holding up incredibly well. I'm not sure if they're sold in the US (MamaOwl is my go-to UK/EU stockist).

I plan to knit a few silk mohair cardigans and jumpers as they're thin and will comfortably fit under thicker woolier ones, as well as more hats/scarves/gloves so I have a slightly more enticing collection to choose from. Good leather boots with a sheepskin insole, and good grip on the soles for any icy walks are also a great investment!

All of this is also reminding me - vitamin D supplements are probably a really good idea (from someone with a chronic deficiency). Craft projects, good friends, near and far, a cool partner: also great and important things to get through long winters!

I hope you can lean into it, and can perhaps even find some joy in places - good luck!

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amani, thank you! wow, norway - I imagine that is such a transition (and so beautiful!)

I actually relish a cold swim - the ocean in CA is never warm, so I am no stranger to cold dips, and I'm hoping to find a way to do it out here all year!

ooh and thank you re: siskin, I have heard of them, and that is a ringing endorsement.

Love the idea of a silk/mohair layer too - so warm and cozy while still being so light! do you have any pattern ideas in mind? would love to see!

<3 thank you for the lovely response, the advice, and the affirmations!

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I somehow managed to miss this! Thanks Ani. It is quite a big, and also quite a beautiful, transition. I'm trying to gracefully lean into all of the aspects of such a big change!

Glad to know you are a fellow lover of cold swims! Hope you are able to find a good spot close to your new home.

Regarding clothes - I still find myself reaching again and again for the the first cardigan I ever knit a few years back, Petite Knit's Novice Cardigan in mohair. It's really versatile and cozy! I'm currently on the hunt for other patterns, I cannot decide whether I want some decorative elements on the yoke or whether to just go simple and practical (my options are much vaster now that I'm a more experienced knitter). Will pass along any good patterns I find on my search!

Hope you are keeping well in the meantime <3

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Oct 24, 2022·edited Oct 24, 2022Liked by ani lee

I struggled with winter ~~a lot~~ when I moved from NC to Chicago. I found that wearing layers kept me way more warm than any one coat could & planning a trip somewhere warm every mid-late February to escape the grey was a saving grace.

This tweet thread also has lots of good, simple ways to support yourself through SAD that I wish I had known before mt first few winters when SAD really got me — https://twitter.com/strategistjas/status/1576598105851453442?s=20&t=ESUjNTDvTEGyPzaDmoOwnw

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amelia!! <3 yes - so excited about cozy wooly layers.

that late-feb trip sounds particularly clutch, definitely keeping that in mind.

i love this list - particularly thinking about getting outside every day, and using the house as a haven - projects, friends coming over - I am hopeful we'll be able to host folks!

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I am obsessed with that sweater!! It's so cute!! Rhinebeck looks lovely, I love seeing everyone's handmade outfits. So bummed to miss this year. I love your winter survival tips! I would like to add getting bundled up and going outside even if it's freezing and (if possible) weekly sauna visits. Theres a reason people in Nordic countries swear by saunas and it's because it makes you happy in the dead of winter and feels rejuvinating!

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thank you!! I'm really happy with how it turned out. I'd love to go back to Rhinebeck again, it was just such a nice time.

yes! yes, I'm hearing that winter walks are essential - and a coat that covers your bum on those walks. and yes to saunas! I'm actually planning to try out the one at the ymca tonight, hoping that it can be my go-to for winter sauna-ing.

thanks meg! looking forward to stumbling through my first winter out here <3

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lolol gUd hoss. we proud of you

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